Cambridge Initiative on Peace Settlements

Branding & Website

The project entailed developing a comprehensive website for The Cambridge Initiative on Peace Settlements, aimed at providing valuable resources and insights into global conflicts. Our focus was to create user-friendly sections dedicated to both current and past conflicts, offering extensive research materials and resources. Additionally, we incorporated a podcast section to cater to diverse learning preferences.


One of the key challenges was ensuring the website’s content remained current and relevant, requiring frequent updates with the latest conflict news. The CIPS team work diligently to ensure the website provided up-to-date information at go-live, thereby enhancing its credibility and usefulness to visitors seeking timely insights into conflict resolution efforts.


The client sought an adaptable and recognisable identity that was closely aligned to the values and image of Cambridge University. s a separate endeavour, the website required a brand identity that set it apart. The content for the website had to be easy to update, as there would be continual updates, as situations rapidly evolve on a global scale.


To meet the client’s objectives, we approached the solution with a focus on three key aspects: identity alignment, uniqueness, and content management.

Firstly, we conducted thorough research to understand the values and image of Cambridge University, ensuring that the website’s identity would closely align with these aspects. We aimed to create a design that reflected the prestige and academic excellence associated with the university.

Secondly, recognising the website as a standalone project, we strived to develop a unique identity that set it apart while still maintaining a connection to Cambridge University. This involved brainstorming creative design elements and exploring innovative visual concepts that would make the website distinct yet cohesive with the university’s overall branding.

Finally, addressing the need for easy content updates, we implemented a robust content management system (CMS) that allowed for seamless updates and modifications. This involved selecting a user-friendly CMS platform and customising it to meet the client’s specific requirements. By empowering the client with the ability to easily manage and update content, we ensured that the website remained dynamic and responsive to evolving global situations.

The Cambridge Initiative on Peace Settlements (CIPS) is an initiative dedicated to supporting conflict parties and mediators in navigating pathways to peace. We faced the exciting challenge of creating a new and unique logo, that aligned with the famous Cambridge University logo. Our solution? An enduring brand identity that seamlessly adapted across media.


The website and branding, can be visited at The website aligns with Cambridge University’s values, ensuring uniqueness, and enabling easy content management. Thorough research guided us in reflecting Cambridge’s prestige. We crafted a distinct identity while maintaining ties to the university’s brand. Our robust content management system allows for seamless updates, keeping the site dynamic amidst evolving global situations.


We designed a new logo, corporate brand guidelines, website design and development. We also created a comprehensive user guide to the website so that researchers at the University can quickly get content online, without the complications of extensive formatting.


We faced several challenges during the project, including aligning the website’s identity with Cambridge University’s values while ensuring uniqueness. Developing a robust content management system that met the client’s need for easy updates posed another hurdle. Additionally, coordinating with various stakeholders and accommodating frequent content updates presented logistical challenges. Despite these challenges, we successfully delivered a new logo, corporate brand guidelines, and a user-friendly website with comprehensive user guides, enabling seamless content management for University researchers.

Throughout our website these terms are used for identification purposes only.
Products and companies referred to herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies or mark holders.

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